We offer DNAviation™, a unique DNA testing service that allows you to understand your natural tolerances and nutritional needs according to your genetic make-up.


DNA Test

a simple swab test kit is provided for use at home, whilst travelling or in clinic, which provides a saliva sample


a report is generated based on 45 genetic markers surrounding nutrition,which include the client’s tolerance to lactose, gluten, salt, caffeine, their ability to detoxify, and areas of deficiency including Omega 3s, and B and D vitamins



An Online call is provided by a member of The Aviation Nutritionist team to discuss the results, and a tailored diet plan to fulfil the client’s specific needs is based on this


Nutrigenetics, nutrigenomics and epigenetics are emerging sciences that are going to have a huge impact on the way we manage our health. The results of the DNAviation™ test are designed to provide an insight into your specific needs, which will never change, but can be addressed to a great extent through nutritional choices. DNAviation™ offers a chance to invest in personal knowledge about your body that can inform your decisions on how to fuel your body effectively, and provide a significant improvement in your quality of life and long term health and wellbeing.

This genetic test allows you to receive the test via post prior to your initial consultation with one of our therapists.

Extra individual SNP’s can be arranged depending on the individual's requirements and the genetic analysis profile taken.