80% of New Year's resolutions fail by February....

Hasn’t January gone quickly (or not?!) Already we are into the beginning of February, and some of us may be reaping the benefits of dry January and feeling revitalised, while others are thinking that maybe they ought to attempt dry February. What a shame that New Year Resolutions can’t begin again for the Chinese New Year!

Sadly, February is a time where many people feel disheartened that their New Year resolutions have failed and so now more than ever is a time to look after yourself.

Here at the Aviation Nutritionist clinic, we concentrate on the functional medicine approach, looking at all the systems of the body. Quick fixes sadly don’t exist, instead we need to concentrate on the whole approach, addressing the causes of disease and focusing on the well-being of the body as a whole. By eating well, and following a more microbiome approach to our diet, we can encourage a healthy environment for our gut bacteria, allowing for increased absorption of essential nutrients and more efficient digestion. We all know that flying takes a huge toll on our bodies, and so it is vital to look after the whole being and in particular our gut, when we take to the skies.

At The Aviation Nutritionist, we don’t just share our nutritional knowledge with our clients, we also have a practical approach. By working with highly experienced caterers, we can encompass our love of food and create sumptuous and healthy dishes that help your body cope with the stress that traveling at altitude causes. Using our deep understanding of nutrition and well-being, we can help you maintain peak performance, before, during and after you fly.

We know that excellent nutrition comes from the best ‘in season’ produce. The Aviation Nutritionist salad range is full of fantastic nutrients and flavour, but at this time of year, what could be better than a truly tasty, seasonal and therapeutic soup. Full of nutritional and functional ingredients, our brand new range of soups are designed specifically to help you maintain optimum health and performance when you fly. Not only do they taste wonderful, they are a feast for the eyes, and packed full of nutrients which will keep you nourished and fresh when you are in the air. We are using a wide variety of new world cuisine ingredients, to provide maximum taste and maximum health.


The Aviation Nutritionist Soups…

Arriving soon …